Automatic painting line and surface treatment

Prism's advanced multistage pre treatment systems are perfectly suited for both batch and continuous operation. These perform a through cleaning of all metal parts to be processed, and provide superior corrosion protection. Reducing effluent load uses cascaded ranges for water conservation, there. Clean bath and bath life is achieved by incorporating continuous oil separation and phosphate sludge separation system. Flexible nozzles ensure easy adjustment of spray direction and air pocket direction. Quick release pipe coupling and nozzles aid easy maintenance. Advanced F.R.P/S.S. systems are compatible with all solutions and therefore off high chemical resistance and prevention of mechanical damages, CHROME Free post pretreatment (de-ionized water rinse) facilitates better sealing.Water treatment plants are effectively employed to treat the effluent and they conform to local statuary requirements. The advance of technology from Prism we can provide also the solution for power spray booths & recovery systems, shower water booth, PTFE non stick coating plants, E-coat lines, enamel coating lines.